Questions about Conrad-Johnson Components:
Q. How do I know if my conrad-johnson component is phase inverting?
A. Phase information on conrad-johnson products is in all but the earliest
conrad-johnson owner’s manuals (PV1,PV2, PV3, MV45 and MV75). Early conrad-johnson
preamplifiers were phase correct (with the exceptions of the PV3 and
the PV4 which inverted phase of line-level inputs). From the PV7 and
the Premier 7 on, all conrad-johnson brand preamplifiers (both tube and
solid-state) have been phase inverting in the line-stage. All three pre-preamplifiers
(HV1, HV2 and Premier Six) were phase inverting. All conrad-johnson power
amplifiers, tube and solid-state, are phase correct except the Premier
Q. How do I correct for a phase inverting component?
A. The total number of phase inversions in the system should be either
0 or an even number. If you have an odd number of inversions (typically
1), compensate by inverting phase at the speaker terminals. Be sure to
reverse the polarity on BOTH speaker terminal. In other words connect
the amplifier positive (+ or red) connector to your speakers negative
("-" or black) connector for both sets of speaker wires.
Q. Why is my conrad-johnson component phase inverting?
A. Each active voltage gain stage in a circuit inverts phase once. In pursuit
of ultimate purity in music reproduction, recent conrad-johnson preamplifiers
have been designed for the absolute minimum number of gain stages ? one.
One stage, one inversion, hence these components invert phase. By the
nature of its design, the Premier 350, which also has a single voltage
gain stage, is phase inverting.
Q. What type of interconnect or speaker wire is best suited for my conrad-johnson
A. The choice of wires depends on the specific components in your system
and, to an extent, on your personal preferences. Please consult your authorized
conrad-johnson dealer for the best choice of interconnects and speaker
wire for your system.
Q. Should I leave my preamp/amp on all of the time?
A. To obtain maximum tube life, vacuum-tube products should be switched
off when not in use. A good general rule for is that if you will not
be listening for more than an hour, turn any tube component off. Conrad-Johnson
solid-state preamps (including Sonographe and Motif), on the other hand,
are designed to be left on at all times. We recommend switching power
amps off when unattended and over night.
Q. Should I use a line conditioner with my preamp and/or amp?
A. Try it. If you hear a sonic improvement leave it in the system. Results
will vary depending on your system and on the quality of your ac power
Q. What is the input impedance value of my conrad-johnson component?
A. For preamplifiers, this varies from model to model. Check your owner’s
manual. The line level inputs are designed to be used with most high-level
devices such as CD players, DVD players, VHS players, tape decks, and
tuners without any impedance problems. The input impedance of conrad-johnson
power amplifiers (including Motif and Sonographe) is 100 kOhms.
Questions about Conrad-Johnson Vacuum-Tube Components:
Q. Can I replace a tube with a different tube type?
A. No. You should only use the tube type that is specified by conrad-johnson
or an exact substitute. Using a different tube type can be expected to
degrade performance and may damage the product.
Q. Can I substitute a 12AX7 for a 5751?
A. It is not recommended that you do this. While it may technically "work" there
are subtle differences in these tubes. You will notice a degradation of
deep bass and a reduction of dynamics. Please contact either your local
dealer or conrad johnson to order the 5751 replacement tube.
A:お勧めできません。技術的には機能することはしますが、これらの真空管は微妙な違いがあります。 重低音の後退やダイナミクスの減少にお気づきになるとおもいます。どうぞお近くのディーラーに連絡して、取り換える5751をご注文なさってください。
Q. Why are identical numbered tube types (i.e. 12AU7) slightly different
in sizes, shapes, and colors?
A. There are several manufacturers of vacuum tubes and each manufacturer
may chose a slightly different exterior. What is important is that the
inside of each tube meet the proper electrical specifications.
Q. Why do different brands of tubes of the same type sound different?
A. Each manufacturer may use slightly different internal materials when
constructing the tube. This is because there is no industry standard
for internal materials. The only standards apply to fairly broad electrical
At conrad-johnson we spend countless hours evaluating various vacuum tubes
for each product. The tubes are selected based on sound quality and reliability.
We know of no currently available tubes that are reliable and will improve
the sound quality of your conrad-johnson component. All tubes that we supply
are then tested in circuit for performance to our specifications. For consistent
results, we recommend that you purchase tubes supplied by conrad-johnson.
Q. Why do some tubes of the same brand and type glow at different brightness
A. Some variation in brightness is normal ? having to do with the amount
and positioning of the internal silvering on the glass. You need not be
concerned if one tube glows brighter than another.
Q. How long do tubes last?
A. That varies depending on the type of tube, the number of hours of use
and the type of use they have had. Typically tubes should last, on average,
about 1500 hours before gradual degradation of performance becomes noticeable.
This translates into two to three years if the unit is turned off when
not in use. Usually tubes will continue to be functional for a long while
after this, but sound quality will be reduced and noise levels will increase.
In power amplifiers, the input tubes are most critical for sonic performance.
If output tubes are not causing problems, they can be replaced every
other time.
Q. What is the silver material on the inside of the glass of a vacuum
A. It is called "getter-compound" The getter-compound is used
when the final sealing of tube is done. Some tubes have more of this than
others but that will not affect the quality of the sound.
Q. On one of my tubes the glass appears white? Why?
A. It is damaged! Turn your unit off and contact your local dealer of conrad
johnson and replace that tube with a factory approved tube immediately.
Continued operation can cause damage to the component.
Q. Should I clean the tube pins and tubes sockets?
A. Tube pins and sockets can be cleaned by turning off the system, disconnecting
the component from the ac power line, and then removing each tube and
replacing it in the socket once or twice. If the tubes are replaced every
two to three years, this should normally be clean the sockets sufficiently.
Q. Should I use tube dampers on my tubes?
A. Many of the newer CJ preamps and power amplifiers come with circular
rubber tube dampers as standard. We recommend the use of these on all
preamplifier tubes and on amplifier input tubes. Avoid using the very
soft Sorbothane tube dampers that have been commercially marketed. These
melt from the heat of the tubes and can foul the tube sockets. Do not
use any kind of damper on amplifier power output tubes.
Conrad Johnson Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers:
Q. How do I bias my power output tubes?
A. Conrad-Johnson tube amplifiers feature a unique, easy to use bias circuit.
Biasing is done with NO signal going to the amplifier (turn the preamp
off, or all the way down). Let the amplifier warm up for about half an
hour (if biasing a new set of tubes for the first time, do this first after
about 3-4 minutes, then repeat once after a half an hour). Adjacent to
each output tube you will see an adjustment screw and an indicator light.
After the amplifier has warmed up, turn the screw clockwise until the red
light comes on. Then slowly back off (counter-clockwise) that adjustment
until the red LED just goes off and stays off. You will need to do this
for each tube. Some of the LED’s may come back on while you are adjusting
other tubes. Just re-adjust so that all of the LED’s are off after all
adjustments are completed.
After the biasing procedure is completed, you may find the indicator lights
coming on from time to time when no music is playing. This can happen as
power line voltages vary over time, and as the amplifier conditions change
a bit with use. There is no need to re-bias unless all leds come on and
stay on for several minutes.
Q. Why do the LED’s flash when I am playing music?
A. That is normal. These indicators are showing the amount of current flowing
through each output tube. As you play music the current through the output
tube will rise and fall with the music. If you listen at relatively high
levels, the LEDs may glow steadily while the music is playing. After
the music is finished and the amplifier has had a few minutes to rest,
the LED’s should all go off.
Q. How often should I bias my power tubes?
A. There is no need to obsess over the output stage biasing. Unless the
amplifier appears to be in a fixed state of over-bias (all LEDs stay
lit for an extended period of time), there is no need to rebias more
than every six months or so.
Q. Why is there no sound or very low level, highly distorted sound from
one channel even though all of the tubes are glowing?
A. The output stage of your amplifier is protected by fuses in the plate
circuit of the output tubes. There is one "plate" fuse per channel.
These are in the large fuse holders located on the back or top deck of
the amplifier. Most likely there is a blown "plate" fuse in the
channel in question. Check to see if the LED associated with one of the
fuses is glowing red. If so, that plate fuse is blown and will need to
be replaced. Be sure to turn the power amplifier off before replacing the
plate fuse, as these fuses operate at a very high voltage.
A blown plate fuse indicates a possible problem with the associated power
tube. It may have occurred because of a voltage spike but it may also have
occurred because the power tube may need to be replaced. If the unit continues
to blow plate fuses then you need to either replace the tube or contact
conrad johnson for repair.
Q. Why is the LED on beside the large fuse holder?
A. The plate fuse is blown and needs to be replaced. Please review the
answer listed above for possible reasons.
Q. Where can I buy plate fuses for my tube amp?
A. These special, high-voltage rated fuses can be hard to find. They are
available from conrad johnson or through your local authorized conrad
Conrad Johnson Solid-State Power Amplifiers:
Q. Why is there no sound or very low level, highly distorted sound from
one channel even though the amplifier power indicator is lit?
A. The output stage of your amplifier is protected by fuses in the positive
and negative power supply circuits. There are two of these "rail" fuses
per channel. These fuses will blow if the output stage is short circuited
(even for a moment) or if the amplifier is called on to play at very high
levels into very low impedance speakers. These fuses are located in fuse
holders on the back of the amplifier, or in fuse clips on the printed circuit
board. Turn the amplifier off, then check for one or more blown fuses.
Replace as needed with the same type and value of fuse.
A:ご使用のアンプの出力ステージは、プラスマイナス両極の電源供給回路内のヒューズによって守られています。それぞれのチャンネルに、こういった“レイル”ヒューズが二つずつあります。もしも出力ステージが、(たとえ一瞬でも)回路ショートしたり、アンプが非常に高いレベルで非常に低いインピーダンススピーカーに操作されたりした場合、これらのヒューズがとびます。これらのヒューズは、アンプの後ろのヒューズホルダーか、あるいは印刷された回路盤上のヒューズクリップの中に位置しています。アンプの電源を切ってから、ヒューズがとんでいるか調べてみてください。同じタイプで同じ価値のヒューズと交換してください。 |